Friday, January 18, 2013


Blessed with the precious task of bringing a new life on earth
She is a mother; selflessly devotes her life to the child she gives birth
An affectionate sister, she can willing annihilate her life for her siblings
She is in a baby girl; to her family, a bunch of happiness her arrival brings

Yet looked down upon, she worries every moment about her safety
Victim of brutal assaults, dowry, gender bias; yearns for her security
No rules defined for the guilty; no strict punishments for the culprits
Despite the atrocities, she is the one dictated the Do’s and Don’ts lists

Born to an androcentric society, she struggles day and night
Oppression under patriarchy- Pandora’s Box of issues to fight
Borne enough pain, she longs for justice, she wants relief,
Respect equal to her counterparts and freedom from her grief.

She is neither a slave, bound to follow her masters’ time table
Nor a jailbird to be strictly assigned a particular apparel
Neither a commodity to be used nor an object to be played with
She deserves exactly what her male peers do, for she is human indeed.


  1. Wow! Expresses every emotion of a woman. Very beautifully written.
    Following you..

