Thursday, December 23, 2010


Fresh drops of dew

Sunshine on a winter’s day

Fountains of colors

Butterflies upon blossoms

Selfless love

Surging waves of hope

Sleep trapped behind eyelids

And sweet dreams abound..

An orchard's fragrance, filling the air

Kaleidoscope of myriad hues

A fine spray of rain

Flowers reaching the sun

Moon dancing on a lake

Familiar shoulder in the midst of a crowd

Comfort of a loving touch

And an eternal joy..

These are indeed


Dispelling gloom!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Muddlehead by Ogden Nash

I knew a man from Petushkee
As muddleheaded as could be.

He always got mixed up with clothes;
He wore his mittens on his toes,
Forgot his collar in his haste,
And tied his tie around his waist.

What a muddle head was he,
That man who lived in Petushkee!

They told him as he went about:
“You’ve got u’r coat on inside out!”
And when they saw his hat, they said:
“You’ve put a saucepan on your head!”

What a muddle head was he,
That man who lived in Petushkee!

At lunch he scratched a piece of bread,
And spread some butter on his head.
He put his walking stick to bed,
And he stood in the rack instead.

What a muddle head was he,
That man who lived in Petushkee!

He walked upto a tram one day
And climbed in very sprightly;
Conductor thought that he would pay,
Instead he said politely:

“Parding your beggon,
Kister Monductor,
I’m off for a week’s vacation;
I stop you to beg your cramway tar
As soon as we reach the station.”
Conductor got a fright
And didn’t sleep that nite.

What a muddle head was he,
That man who lived in Petushkee!

He rushed into the first café:
“A railway ticket please, One way.”
And at the ticket office said:
“A slice of tea and a cup of bread.”

What a muddle head was he,
That man who lived in Petushkee!

He passed the man collecting the fares,
And entered a carriage awaiting repairs,
That stood on a siding, all by itself.
Half of his luggage, he put on a shelf,
The rest on the floor, his coat on his lap
And settled himself for a bit of a nap.

All at once he raised his head,
“I must have been asleep”- he said.
“Hey, what stop is this?” he cried
“Petushkee,” a voice replied.

Once again he closed his eyes
And dreamt he was in Paradise.
When he woke, he looked about,
Raised the window and leaned out.

“I’ve seen this place before, I believe,
Is it Kharkov or is it Kiev?
Tell me where I am,” he cried.
“In Petushkee”, a voice replied.

And so again he settled down
And dreamt the world was upside down
When he woke, he looked about,
Raised the window and looked out.

“I seem to know this station too,

Is it Nalchik or Baku?
Tell me what its called,” he cried.
“Petushkee’ a voice replied.

Up he jumped: “It’s a crime!
I’ve been riding all this time,
And here I am where I began!
That’s no way to treat a man!’

What a muddle head was he,
That man who lived in Petushkee!

PS: i was made to learn this by heart in class 1 for the class-wise elocution and i still love it! :D

Monday, December 13, 2010

Just Another Phase Of LIFE!

Sometimes when time takes its harsh toll
And your emotions, you simply can’t control
When things slip completely out of hand
And the pressure to take it, you just can’t withstand
When you don’t know the immediate tomorrow
And so many things, simultaneously bring sorrow
When things change and life plays an obnoxious game
And you want it to be like before, just exactly the same
When the things left unsaid, speak the loudest
And to say it aloud, you cannot gather enough strength
When beside you, you really want someone to stand
And you hardly find anyone, who really understands
When the problem only grows with time
And all you do is hide it behind a SMILE
Taking it to be “just another phase of life”!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Sitting back with eyes closed

Mind deep in thought

Heart emanating emotions

And I’m bound to go back

Go back to the time

Of those sleepless nights

And those timed slumbers

The high aims

And the fervor to achieve them

The tight schedules

Never being a torture

The environment around

So easily acceptable

Undoubtedly, things were tough

But were still pleasant

Finally came the time

To take the final decision

Decision to choose

From among the two

The two can be called

A sweet and a sour fruit

Dint really know

Which one was sweet

So just picked up one

And began to eat

What I ate

Was sour indeed

And that I say

Was a trick

Played by DESTINY!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Those rides, that home beside a stream
And my colorful world of dreams
That all beautiful world of my childhood
Ate stones and licked sand instead of food
That world I felt as my very own
That immature age and a candid tone.

Aimlessly wandering on my knees
Wanting to go out, into the streets
Tiresomely placing head on grandma’s lap
While listening to a fairy tale, having a nap.

No worries, nothing to bother about
My innocence, no one to doubt
Singing songs when learning to speak
Buying new toys every single week.

All the memories come flooding in my mind
Lost in thoughts, myself I find
Nostalgic past, future unsure
Tormenting present, how should I endure?

I had asked life too much I guess
That it has snatched everything in a sec
Who’ll bring back those colorful days
That beautiful time, why couldn’t it stay?
Oh that really beautiful time has passed away!

PS: although i wrote this long long ago.. but the feeling is still the same!


The answer to the question i'm repeatedly being asked for quite sometime now is.. Yes.. I FINALLY BLOG!! :D